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There was this girl who was afraid of many things and wanted to get over the fear of them. What she did was amazing, and it helped her overcome the fear. She was scared of roller coasters, because she watched a documentary of someone falling off one. So, every time her family went on a fun trip with roller coasters there, she would just sit there and watch them. Then, she got strength to go on one.

She said, "Mom I want to try to go on a small roller coaster, cause if I don't, I won't feel like I accomplished anything."

Another thing she overcame, was her fear of needles. She was scared of needles ever since she was 4. Every time the doctor counted down to put the shot in, she screamed and one time she bit the doctor. Her fear is not getting the shot it's just her looking at the shot. So, one day, her mom decided to give her a hot towel with some cream on it, and whenever she needed to get the shot, she would put that on. She didn't necessarily overcome her fear, but she couldn't feel the shot so, she was less aggressive and scared.

The last thing she overcame, was the fear of what other's thought of her. One day, she was in class, and she thought her shirt looked bad, so she put a jacket over it.

Then, she thought, 'How stupid am I for putting a jacket on because of what someone else thinks of me?' She was blazing hot as well.

So, on Wednesday, February 1st, that's when she said, "Make fun of me I don't care. I'm unique and I know it." She doesn't care what people think, and if they do talk about her, she doesn't let them affect her day.

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