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The Mistake Pt 1

Gary the snail is an ordinary snail. He lived his life just like every other snail did. Ate whatever he wanted, he slimed wherever he wanted to, he basically did whatever he wanted to do.

One day he was walking to school with Gerald, who by the way was an ugly snail. Gary and Gerald were having a good conversation until a fish hook came down from the sky and hit gerald in the head. Gary was super upset, so he decided to teach the fish hook a lesson. He was waving his hands in the air like he just did not care. Every time he swung he missed by a mile and a half to be exact. He accidently got stuck in the the hook.

When he was being pulled up he saw Bolton -- the legendary catcher. Gary was so scared that he accidentaly wet himself in the shell. He was really upset because he need to buy a new shell. Until he got a new shell, he was technically naked. Gary was trying to squirm away but it did not happen. Bolton put him in a cooler. It was really cold in there, so Bolton gave Gary a warm mini blanket. He decided to try to escape.

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